Jehovah witness dating yahoo
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That was also the year that the organization split. Weitere Informationen und Einstellungen finden Sie im.
Manchmal zeigen wir Ihnen personalisierte Werbung, indem wir anhand Ihrer Aktivitäten auf unseren Seiten und Produkten fundierte Vermutungen über Ihre Interessen anstellen. A year after that, they were divorced and the children torn apart in a custody battle. Although the New World Translation Bible is civil jehovah witness dating yahoo support Watchtower doctrines, encourage her to compare her translation with your Bible and the Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures Greek text of the New Testament Bible Scripture published by the Watchtower Society. The topics discussed in the books will also provide an excellent piece to bring these doctrines up in discussions with your boyfriend. Are you prepared to operate in such a conditional way with the friends and relatives you meet in the organization. Yahoo ist jetzt Teil der. The Watchtower bases its beliefs and doctrines on the original and servile teachings of Charles Taze Russell, Judge Joseph Franklin Rutherford, and their successors. Be prepared to lead him to Christ by presenting the simple Gospel of grace and helping him understand the true identity of Jesus Christ as Lord and God. Tipp:damit Sie diesen Vorgang nicht auf si Geräten einzeln durchführen müssen. I am looking for a loophole. Yahoo ist jetzt Teil der.
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Welcome to the Jehovah's Witness Discussion Forum | Community Information - It contains the English words underneath the Greek text so you can compare Bible accuracy.
I am mostly concerned about her losing her parents. Will she still have her parents if she leaves on her own or will that be worse then being disfellowshipped excommunicated? I am looking for a loophole. I know that is not the right thing to do, but she loves me and I love her. Is it possible to go to an elder to ask for his blessing on our relationship? It requires full commitment of your time, energy, resources, and loyalty. Partial loyalty is simply not acceptable in this religion. At any point in your relationship, the elders can intervene and command her to stop dating you. Are you prepared to face the potential consequences for converting under false pretenses and the harassment you would face if you do not measure up to all the demands of this religion? Are you prepared to give the Watchtower your full loyalty and devotion and to force your future children into this system as well? Are you prepared to force your children to preach door-to-door instead of playing with their friends on the weekends, to do their Watchtower homework in addition to school homework in the evenings, and to attend Watchtower meetings instead of extracurricular school activities like music band and sports? Are you prepared for the constant pressure to perform to their expectations? Are you prepared to force your children to be excused from birthday and holiday celebrations at school? Are you prepared to for your children to be teased by other children for being different? Are you prepared to turn down their holiday dinner invitations? There are times when blood substitutes simply cannot work to save a life. Are you prepared to let your children die rather than give them a needed blood transfusion. Are you prepared to operate in such a conditional way with the friends and relatives you meet in the organization? Are you prepared to follow and obey Watchtower doctrines and policies, without question? The ONLY Scriptures that mention a group of 144,000 people are Revelation 7 and 14. These describe this group as male Jews who are sealed on earth DURING the Great Tribulation that has yet to come. NEVER do these Scriptures say that these Jewish men are the ONLY ones in Heaven. IS COMPROMISING YOUR FAITH REALLY WORTH THE DAMAGE? It did not work and within a year, he turned to drinking to numb the stress he was facing in his marriage. A year after that, they were divorced and the children torn apart in a custody battle. Compromising the truth is never worth the damage! CAN YOUR GIRLFRIEND WALK AWAY WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES? So, the key for her ability to walk away without being shunned according to official Watchtower policy is based upon whether or not she was ever baptized into this religion. It is best to be prepared in case it happens. If they succeed in getting her back involved in this religion, it will not be long before they will strongly advise her to get baptized and you will be faced with losing her heart to this religion. With rumors of wars in the world and a volatile economy, it would not take much for triggers of fear and guilt to arise in her heart. The Watchtower programs its followers to be ready for Armageddon by faithfully preaching the Kingdom message door-to-door and obeying all of its rules. It is your duty to make sure that before you get married, your girlfriend has been properly deprogrammed against Watchtower fear and guilt tactics. If not, you need to walk away from this dating relationship before you both get hurt. Although the New World Translation Bible is biased to support Watchtower doctrines, encourage her to compare her translation with your Bible and the Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures Greek text of the New Testament Bible Scripture published by the Watchtower Society. It contains the English words underneath the Greek text so you can compare Bible accuracy. The resources listed above will aid you in accomplishing this task, but we also encourage you to read the Bible together verse-by-verse and to discuss what it means based upon the context. If your goal is to have a marriage free from the control of legalistic men and one that places the teachings of the Bible as supreme in your home, you will need to seek elsewhere for a blessing—preferably a Christian pastor who teaches the Bible verse-by-verse. Many Protestant Christian churches do this and many have pre-marital counseling classes that would be beneficial for you as well. The following article will give you important guidelines to follow in finding a healthy, Bible-based church: 4witness.
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